LUX Crystalline Series: New Crystal Clear Resins with high UV-stability and Superior Impact Resistance

LUX Crystalline: Enhanced Material Stability, Impact Resistance, and prolonged Lifespan elevate 3D Printed Optics to the Next Level Printed optics have come a long way after their initial invention back in 2009. Until recently, 3D printed optics mainly found their application in prototyping and one-offs in the research, design and engineering environments– most notably hindered [...]

By |2023-09-25T09:43:46+00:00September 5th, 2023|Material Specifications|0 Comments

Annual EPFL Seminar on 3D Printed Optics

EPFL Seminar on 3D Printed Optics June 01, 2023 marked another remarkable day. On behalf of the Luximprint Team, Marco de Visser went to EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, for the periodical seminar on the 3D printing of optics. During a 3 hours masterclass, EPFL students, professors and interested local entrepreneurs were aligned on the latest in [...]

By |2023-06-16T10:57:07+00:00June 16th, 2023|3D Printing Education, Events|0 Comments

Printoptical.Art: The Next Generation Luminous Optical 3D Art

Printoptical.Art: A Blend of Optical 3D Printing - Advanced Lighting Technologies and Interactive Art Luximprint Printoptical Technology has been widely adopted over the last decade for the rapid prototyping of custom optics. The controlled deposition of optical material, as well as the optical smoothness achieved directly from the 3D printer, offers great advances for the [...]

Additive Manufacturing of Micro and Nanoscale Optics 

Additive Optics Manufacturing of Micro and Nanoscale Components Additive manufacturing methodologies have shown promising results in the fabrication of high-performance optics. The evolving capabilities of the various additive optics fabrication approaches lead to unique features and performance for the devices and systems these components apply to. The exact capability of this exciting 3D Printing technology [...]

By |2022-05-30T13:46:36+00:00May 30th, 2022|Optics Literature|0 Comments

Investigation of diffractive structure designs through Printoptical® Technology

Investigation of Diffractive Structure Designs through Printoptical® Technology Abstract A next research has been recently published on realizing diffractive optics structures for various application areas such as in reality displays, integrated circuits and illumination. The current advancement in additive manufacturing allows rapid prototyping of diffractive structures at low cost within short time and little material [...]

By |2022-01-24T10:07:01+00:00January 24th, 2022|Free Publicity|0 Comments

EuroPhotonics: Cover Story 3D Printed Optics

3D Printing Speeds Up Optics Manufacturing Whereas the traditional manufacture of optical components was carried out mainly through conventional milling technologies, today's novel 3D printing methods have significantly increased the speed and flexibility of the overall making process. By adding successive layers of a UV or thermally-cured resin until a given shape is complete, developers [...]

By |2021-09-27T13:00:15+00:00September 27th, 2021|Free Publicity|0 Comments

AM Services for Large Format Optical and Light Guiding Textures

Large Format Optical Textures and Light Guides We are delighted to announce the availability of large format, 3D printed optical light guiding plates and textures. Whereas the availability of the services on its own is not new, recent technology optimizations have taken the feasibility and versatility of manufacturing for large format optics in particular [...]

By |2021-06-25T09:42:16+00:00June 25th, 2021|Products & Services|0 Comments

Provinciale Staten Zeeland Honors Luximprint with a Company Visit

Provinciale Staten Zeeland Honors Luximprint with a Company Visit To stress its commitment and interest with the local entrepreneurial community, a delegation of the Provinciale Staten (PS) of the Zeeland province, Netherlands, took the opportunity to visit the ‘Luximprint Creative Factories’ today. The PS delegation was accompanied by representatives of Gemeente Kapelle, the local [...]

By |2021-04-07T15:37:14+00:00April 7th, 2021|Events|0 Comments

The Curious Lighting Exhibition

The Curious Lighting Exhibition When it comes to introducing and showcasing new products and features, times dominated by COVID ask for creative solutions that respect the established guidelines. Events in the lighting industry for the operational year and beyond got canceled, with - best-case - limited online follow-up in place. To counter it and [...]

By |2020-10-16T12:01:45+00:00October 16th, 2020|Events|0 Comments



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