Nica Experience 2020: Entrepreneurial Spirit to Empower Local Charity Projects

From February 5th – 15th, 2020, the Luximprint Facilities were running at low occupation due to the annual scheduled maintenance of the optical 3D printing platforms. During those days, a part of our team took the opportunity to separate themselves from ‘business as usual’, step out of the ‘comfort zone’ and join an entrepreneurial charity mission to Nicaragua. In support of various local communities, physical labor was provided to local project initiatives, while also the beauty of the country and its lovely people was enjoyed. On request of many business partners and friends, here’s a small update incl. impressions of the mission!

Nicaragua – Promising and Contrasting

Nicaragua, located on the land bridge of Central America, is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Caribbean Sea. To the north, the country borders Honduras for 530 kilometers and to the south to Costa Rica (313 kilometers). The country offers a wealth of lakes, active and passive volcanos, as well as (rain) forests and beautiful beaches. The countryside, poorly developed but rich in culture and nature, is a true paradise for backpackers and other tourists.

Image to demonstrate printed optics in Nicaragua

Printed Optics in Nicaragua

Likely, printed optics will never see the light in Nicaragua, as high-tech industries are nearly absent in the country. However, this does not release us from the responsibility to contribute to a better world. At Luximprint, we have a warm heart for the development of Nicaragua as a country and in particular for the local communities. We believe that supporting small-scale local initiatives contribute to a better standard of living and the well-being of the residents.

Our Mission: Creating Liveable Communities

With the purpose of supporting our local friends and communities, a delegation including passionate Dutch entrepreneurs left for a combined charity-adventure mission. Three projects – running in the suburbs of Managua, Masaya and Tipitapa – are supported from the homefront. During the last trip, we were able to provide physical support to the important missions in support of the local communities.

With a great mixture of locals and Dutch entrepreneurs, our group was able to build and grow various local initiatives aiming to contribute to a better life of the local population. Meanwhile, the lifes of many from us returned to normal, however, the passion and practical approaches live on.

We believe and pray that the entrepreneurial spirit we left will remain for years and helps to make the world a better place for all of us!

Please don’t be afraid to talk back in case of any further questions on the project or the country, please enjoy the impressions!

Luximprint Team