In Support of the ‘Vrienden voor Nicaragua Foundation’ (VVN)
The history of the project goes back to 2007. Since, volunteers have come and gone, contributing on an annual base to the growth and well-being of the local communities. Mainly supported and facilitated by their homefronts, they support local people in developing their skills in education and the built environment. Adventure and well-being go hand-in-hand here.
Mainly comprised of younger people (50% of the population is younger than 17 years), a potentially great future is waiting for the country. However, conditions and future perspectives are rather depressing. We believe that physically supporting and educating locals are a healthy way of building a better future.
Luximprint Supports ‘Vrienden voor Nicaragua’
In support of the ‘poor and needy’, our brothers and sisters overseas, we greatly support and encourage the work, both financially and with physical labor support. The Luximprint team is deeply involved in the project and believes it is the best way to contribute to a better future for all of us. It’s our passion to see people flourish!
Los Rosales Florecerán!
Once you are interested to find out more about the project or consider a donation, please refer to the official VVN project pages.