When Size Matters: Large Format Optics Straight From the 3D Printer

Exploring 3D Printed Large Format Optics For Rapid Validation and Demonstration Purposes The additive Luximprint Printoptical Fabrication process finds its origins in large-format digital printing. While the process has significantly developed and mutated over time to custom build specifications, some of the inherent large format possibilities remain to this day. The build tray of [...]

Printoptical.Art: The Next Generation Luminous Optical 3D Art

Printoptical.Art: A Blend of Optical 3D Printing - Advanced Lighting Technologies and Interactive Art Luximprint Printoptical Technology has been widely adopted over the last decade for the rapid prototyping of custom optics. The controlled deposition of optical material, as well as the optical smoothness achieved directly from the 3D printer, offers great advances for the [...]

Optical 3D Printing Methodologies Enable easy Frosted Finish Application

Frosted Finishes: Optically smooth and defined Roughness in one single Additive Manufacturing Process WEMELDINGE, NETHERLANDS – NOVEMBER, 2021 – Luximprint, a global leader in offering rapid prototyping services for custom optics and Optographix, based in The Netherlands is delighted to announce the availability of its refined ‘Frosted Finish’ capabilities for application with large-format 3D [...]

By |2021-11-10T16:18:35+00:00November 10th, 2021|Process Features, Surface Finishes, Technology Updates|0 Comments

Additive Optics Design and Fabrication Technology

Additive Optics Design and Fabrication – A Powerful Marriage  THE answer to overcoming the bottlenecks in conventional optics design and manufacture has, after the marriage of two emerging technologies, become fairly simple: Modern mathematical design methods can be used to rapidly generate designs for custom optics. Accordingly, the physical parts can be generated using Additive [...]

By |2019-11-18T10:52:34+00:00November 18th, 2019|Additive Manufacturing, Optics Design, Technology Updates|0 Comments

LpS TiL 2019 Awards: Luximprint Honored as ‘Best Start-Up’

LpS TiL 2019 Awards:  Luximprint & Physionary -get Best Startup Certificate for Additive Optics Design and Fabrication Technology Last week, the lighting industry gathered together for the LpS/TiL/DALI 2019 conference in Bregenz, Austria. The event hosted over 100 presentations, workshops and panel discussions, where the latest trends in applications and technologies were discussed. One of [...]


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