Luximprint Process Capabilities | Material Specifications

At this page, you can freely download the latest version of our Material Specifications. The material specifications are generated to provide deeper insights to our users into the Luximprint Additive Optics Fabrication process, and includes among other topics:

  • Material Properties: Application temperatures, haze values, optical performance;
  • Transmission Values: Material transmission in visible light applications;
  • Refractive Index:  The refractive index (or index of refraction) of our optical resins and substrate materials that describes how light propagates through our mediums;
  • Build Tray specifications: sheet and feature sizes, as well as user definitions on average process tolerances.

The Luximprint ‘Material Specifications’ are part of the overall Printing Capabilities. Other documentation is available for download.

To receive detailed charts and other information for your projects, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

Luximprint Material Update Photopia (Release 2024.1)

Update Luximprint Optical 3D Print Resin in Photopia Most of us will recognize Photopia™ as a fast and accurate optical design program that produces comprehensive performance evaluations for non-imaging optical systems. The software is designed as such that its users don't need an optics PhD to understand it. It includes a library of pre-defined lamps [...]

By |2024-07-08T10:29:08+00:00July 8th, 2024|Material Specifications, Optics Design|0 Comments

LUX Crystalline Series: New Crystal Clear Resins with high UV-stability and Superior Impact Resistance

LUX Crystalline: Enhanced Material Stability, Impact Resistance, and prolonged Lifespan elevate 3D Printed Optics to the Next Level Printed optics have come a long way after their initial invention back in 2009. Until recently, 3D printed optics mainly found their application in prototyping and one-offs in the research, design and engineering environments– most notably hindered [...]

By |2023-09-25T09:43:46+00:00September 5th, 2023|Material Specifications|0 Comments

Capabilities Update: Opaque Substrate Masking

Luximprint to Launch Opaque Substrate Masking Capabilities for Enhanced Light Control Leaving a dynamic period behind us, with our daily lives affected by the COVID-19 pandemic storms, we're excited to introduce the next range of capabilities for our additive optics fabrication process. At the Luximprint engineering front, some hard work has been done in [...]

Event Review: Materials 2018 Veldhoven

Materials 2018 Veldhoven: Discovery of New Materials and Treatments for Printed Optics Materials 2018 Veldhoven, The Netherlands, is the trade fair where everything revolves around the role of materials in the success of a product. The Luximprint team joined the show at the NH Conference Centre Koningshof on May 30 in order to optimize and [...]

By |2018-06-01T11:02:15+00:00June 1st, 2018|Events, Material Specifications, Surface Finishes|0 Comments

Luximprint: A gentle Introduction

Hi There! We're Luximprint and we offer Additive Fabrication Services for Inspirational, Functional and Decorative Optical Plastics After the openings of the Luximprint Creative Factory earlier, we're delighted to say that we start to take in meanwhile new research and application projects. To our users in a variety of industries, we now offer fast, [...]


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