EuroPhotonics: Cover Story 3D Printed Optics

3D Printing Speeds Up Optics Manufacturing Whereas the traditional manufacture of optical components was carried out mainly through conventional milling technologies, today's novel 3D printing methods have significantly increased the speed and flexibility of the overall making process. By adding successive layers of a UV or thermally-cured resin until a given shape is complete, developers [...]

By |2021-09-27T13:00:15+00:00September 27th, 2021|Free Publicity|0 Comments

3D printen een van de 5 trends in de kunststoffenindustrie [NL]

3D Printing Trends in the Plastics Industry 3D printing is set to create a difference in our world for multiple reasons.  Els van de Ven, Event Manager at Mikrocentrum, speaks out at the starting eve of the Kunststoffenbeurs about sustainability and circularity. Those, among other themes, will be among the highlights during the plastics event [...]

By |2021-09-20T10:29:35+00:00September 20th, 2021|Events, Free Publicity|0 Comments


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