Light Zoom Lumière on 3D Printing for the Lighting Industry

Light Zoom Lumière: 3D printing and Lighting - An Inventarisation of its Use Who are the key players in the sector? What are the current uses of additive manufacturing? Light Zoom Lumière dedicated a comprehensive online article to this topic, covering the most recent activities, suppliers and applications in the lighting industry in order to [...]

By |2020-03-18T12:20:22+00:00September 24th, 2019|Free Publicity|0 Comments

LPS 2019 Awards: We’re Shortlisted!

LPS 2019 Awards Shortlist: A Recognition for our Contribution to a More Sustainable World! We're delighted to announce that a joint technology combination of Luximprint Additive Optics Fabrication Technology and Physionary Faceted Lens Technology is shortlisted for the LPS 2019 Awards. The LPS 2019 Awards are submitted during the LED professional Symposium and Trends in Lighting [...]

By |2019-09-18T07:49:27+00:00September 18th, 2019|Events, Honors & Awards|0 Comments


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