Magazine LICHT | Juni 2019 ‘Zauberhaftes Licht’

Magazine LICHT 04/2019: Magical Light - Fabrication and Application of Tertiary Optics  LED lighting is inseparably connected to Optics and Lenses, such as primary, secondary and tertiary optics. With tertiary optics, in special, versatile light scenarios can be conjured. The German magazine 'LICHT' illustrates the latest developments concerning the application and manufacturing of tertiary optics. [...]

By |2019-08-19T15:07:12+00:00June 28th, 2019|Free Publicity|0 Comments

Design for Manufacture of High-resolution 3D Printed Rotation Optics

Design for Manufacture of High-resolution 3D Printed Rotation Optics Freeform Optics explores the evolving impact of freeform optical surfaces on optical systems for both imaging and illumination. The scope features work on the optical design of imaging systems with freeform surfaces, evolving methods for surface representation for illumination system optimization and a perspective on the [...]

By |2022-02-24T13:04:26+00:00June 12th, 2019|Free Publicity|0 Comments

Summer Program Wemeldinge 2019

Summer Program Wemeldinge 2019 is Online Here's another small, off-topic blog post, to show our commitment with the local entrepreneurial community and nature preservation. The official brochure 'Summer Program Wemeldinge' is out now, containing lots of interesting activities for this summer period. As a touristic hot-spot, the entrepreneurial Wemeldinge community offers an active program all [...]

By |2019-06-12T10:49:41+00:00June 12th, 2019|Events, News|0 Comments

EPFL Advanced Manufacturing Symposium 2019

EPFL Printing Symposium 2019: Additive Optics Design and Manufacturing Technology have Married! On May 24th, 2019, the Luximprint team returned to EPFL Lausanne for its annual lectures on Additive Optics Fabrication technology. Joined by Physionary, one of Luximprint's preferred Optics Design partners, an international audience of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students was addressed during an [...]

By |2019-06-03T14:49:42+00:00June 3rd, 2019|3D Printing Education, Events, Uncategorized|0 Comments


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