Visit MKB Wemeldinge Entrepeneurs

Entrepreneurial Collective MKB Wemeldinge to Visit Luximprint  Earlier this week, we spent some quality time with an interesting group of local entrepreneurs, with backgrounds in a variety of markets. MKB Wemeldinge, a collective of local entrepreneurial spirits, paid the Luximprint Creative Factories a visit to learn about the activities of our 'different' company. It [...]

By |2019-04-19T11:54:06+00:00April 19th, 2019|Events, News|0 Comments

LightNOW Blog: 3D Printed Lighting

LightNOW Blog: Views and Opinions on 3D Printing for the Lighting Industry In a series of articles by Craig DiLouie, our Co-Founder Marco de Visser shared his views an opinions of the impact of 3D printing technology for the lighting industry, how it impacts and disrupts today's' processes and market approach and how industry professionals [...]


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