Lighting Design & 3D Printing: li itinerari di un’evoluzione

Luce e Design: Additive Printing Technologies and Lighting The supply chain of additive 3D printing is nowadays divided into a small number of specialized machine builders, and in a large production context in which designers, service centres, FabLabs and makers move, hybrid figures, these latter close as a that of the lighting designer, because they [...]

By |2019-02-27T15:28:21+00:00February 27th, 2019|Free Publicity|0 Comments

Surface Design Show 2019 Review: Light and Surfaces

Surface Design Show 2019 Review: Light Meets SurfacesAll good things come to an end. So the 2019 Surface Design Show in London, UK. For three days, the Luximprint team has been present on the show in support of Lightly Technologies to demonstrate the capabilities of HikariSQ panels combined with Luximprint Optographix.SDS19: Light and (optical) Surfaces ConnectLightly, [...]


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